The laboratory of Applied Geology and Geotechnic of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of Pavia University will assess several soil management technics.
The project planned activities are the following:
- Select the vineyards where the experiment will be conducted, it will include several grape varieties and several soil management technics
- Perform a geotechnical and pedological characterization of the soils through laboratory and in situ analysis
- Measure at several distance from the vine plant the root system density in order to underline the relationship between the soil management technic and the density and the root system depth and its variation in time
- Characterize the hydric status through the installation in the ground of sensors for the measurement at different depths of the moisture content and construction of water content maps through soil resistivity measurements and electromagnetic induction performed at different moment of the year
- Assess the susceptibility to erosion and to superficial landslides related to several soil management technics and to provide guidelines for a correct vineyard management